Life Transitions

Over the last couple years, it seems as though life has constantly been in flux. While it appears we are now coming out the other side of the pandemic, we have been changed by our experiences. I love to work with people in transition. Change can be difficult and painful but also provides you with an opportunity to examine and evaluate your life.

Are you experiencing an important life transition?

  • Perhaps you’ve recently become a parent or your children have left home. Maybe you’ve gotten married or a significant relationship has ended.

  • You may have had or be heading for a milestone birthday and feeling like you might be having a midlife (or quarter life) crisis!

  • Maybe you recently finished school or you’re considering going back. You could have had a change in your job, lost your job, or are questioning a career-change. You are thinking about success and what is important to you in life. What’s realistic, what you like, how you want to structure your life.

  • You may have been diagnosed with a major illness or experienced a life-changing injury or disability. You are suddenly faced with your mortality and limitations in unexpected ways. You wonder if the feeling of dread will ever go away.

  • Perhaps you’ve experienced a loss or a death and you’re not sure how to move forward in your life.

  • Maybe you’ve had a difficult or traumatic experience that has turned your world upside down.

There are so many changes and transitions in life.

Many of them are wonderful and things you’ve planned for, hoped for, and looked forward to. But these can also be stressful times as you adjust and shift your life. It seems as though life is asking you about what matters to you most and you’re not sure how to reconcile who you were then and who you are now.

When you experience a change that was unwanted or unexpected, you can end up feeling jumbled and unsettled. Your mind is racing and you have an unshakeable sense of unease. You may have found you’re not sleeping well or that you’ve lost your appetite. You find yourself questioning everything and completely overwhelmed by it. The world may seem like a different place than it was before and you feel disoriented or lost.

I can help you make sense of the changes in your life and explore the critical questions. I provide a safe space to ask yourself hard questions, to really consider what matters to you, and to be messy. I love helping people examine their lives, who they are, what they value, and where they are going. I can provide you with a steadying presence as you are tossed about in the waves of life. I can help you connect with yourself and find your way.

From my work with clients going through difficult transitions, I know it can feel like you are lost at sea and don’t know which direction land is. Perhaps your supplies are running short and you have no map or compass. During these times, having another person with you who can listen and hear you can make a big difference. I can help you figure out how nourish yourself, chart a course, and set sail again.

The counselling process is one in which you can experience immense internal growth and change, you can find a greater sense of choice and control, connect to an inner wisdom, and find meaning and fulfillment you only dreamed of.

To take the next step, contact me to schedule a free 15-minute phone inquiry.