
We are social beings. We crave connection with others. We want to be loved, accepted, and cared for. But sometimes we have difficulty creating the kinds of relationships that help us feel truly connected and good enough.

When you are struggling in an important relationship, it can affect your life in big ways. This can happen with couples, parent-child relationships, coworkers, and friends. You know how incredibly painful it can be when things aren’t going well in a relationship. You may want individual help with a challenging relationship, or you may both be looking to work together to improve or repair your relationship (or, like many couples, one of you may want to work on things and one of you may not be so sure about counselling).

Whether you find yourself in conflict, dissatisfied, growing apart, or trying to reconcile after a betrayal, counselling can help. By the time you are considering counselling, it may feel that it is too late to repair the issues in your relationship, but there is hope.

In my work with couples, I help you understand each other, increase your sense of connection and intimacy, heal wounds, and work together in envisioning your future. I love helping couples to really listen and hear each other, to disrupt stuck patterns of relating, to build trust, to increase vulnerability, and to nurture a more fulfilling relationship. I can work with you to foster the kind of relationship you’ve longed for.

If you want to work with me to improve an important relationship in your life, contact me to get the process started.