
You worked hard to get to the place you are in your career. You thought by this point in life you would feel better and more settled. Maybe there was even a time where it seemed like everything had come together, but lately, you find yourself feeling dissatisfied. Perhaps you are questioning your effectiveness as a professional or wondering if this is still the right career for you. Maybe you are getting bogged down and frustrated by bureaucracy related to your job. More and more you’re feeling burnt out.

You are juggling a lot in your life between your career, family, and friends. It can be so difficult to find balance. You often feel you are being pulled in multiple directions at once. Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed by it all. You don’t feel you’ve been able to bring your best to your job, your family, and your friends and sometimes it seems like only your worst is coming out.

When you take a step back, it seems like your life is pretty good. You find it hard to fully understand why you’re struggling so much. Perhaps you have some theories or ideas about what may be contributing to your sense of unease, but it’s just not going away. Maybe there are difficult things from the past that have been popping up more lately. Whatever it is, you’re thinking now may be the time to try getting outside help.

I have witnessed this struggle often in my personal and professional life. I know you are bright and don’t need someone to tell you what to do (though sometimes that seems appealing). I will walk alongside you and help you make sense of what is contributing to these difficulties and your suffering. I create a safe and supportive environment for you to explore these challenges, to say the things you feel like you can’t say out loud, and to question it all. I can help you sort out what matters most to you and to align your life with these values. Together we can find tools and strategies to help you manage and feel more in control of your life again.

To take the next step, contact me.

What we know matters but who we are matters more.
— Brené Brown