Youth & Young Adults

Between climate change, the pandemic, and housing prices, sometimes it’s hard to imagine the future. You’ve always wanted to grow up, but lately the realties of adulthood feel overwhelming. You are trying to find your way, but sometimes you feel stuck or like you won’t be able to figure it out.

You may be dealing with intense emotions. You feel so stressed out, so lousy, so angry, so much. Perhaps you’ve already been diagnosed with a mental health issue or are pretty sure you could be. You may have tried medication; maybe it helped, or maybe you’re not sure it made much of a difference.

You may wonder how you’ll handle university or a job when it feels like you’re barely holding it together right now. Maybe there is tension with your parents or you’re having problems at school. It seems like everyone has expectations of you and is pressuring you. Sometimes that can feel suffocating.

You know your parents are trying, but they don’t seem to get you or know how to support you. You’ve got friends but you find yourself hiding parts of yourself from them. If they knew the real you, maybe they wouldn’t want to hang out with you anymore. You’ve been trying to sort out who you are but some days you have no idea.

It’s a hard time to be growing up. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort out what’s true, what’s real, and what really matters. I have worked with many teens and young adults through this tumultuous stage of life. Youth I’ve worked with tell me they have felt comfortable with me and that they can talk with me about uncomfortable things. They describe feeling understood and accepted.

I would like to help things click into place for you as you make sense of your emotions and experiences and connect with what’s important to you. I will support you as you tackle the things you struggle with in your life and work with you to find relief. I hope to help you make sense of your place in this world and come to realize there is space in it for you.

It’s frustrating when adults think they know you better than you. I believe you are the expert on you, whether you are 14 or 24 (or 84!). I will always treat you with respect and as an equal. With kindness and compassion, I will walk alongside you without judgment as you figure out you. Together we can find tools and strategies to help you manage and start feeling better.

I work with youth and young adults from age 14+.

If you are interested in counselling for yourself or a youth in your life, take the first step and contact me.